Monday, April 23, 2007

Greetings, Earthlings

If you're a regular Mental Excrement reader, you're probably familiar with my recent spiritualistic angst and atheistic musings. (If you're not, welcome!) I was hugely surprised at the number of people who troubled to read the whole of both posts, and even more suprised at the long and thoughtful responses elicited.

I noticed, however, that many of usual readers did not comment at all, and I feared that if I carried on that route much longer some of you might lose interest in M.E., and as I value your companionship immensely I did not want that to happen. On the other hand, this is really only the beginning. I have loads of questions, things I struggle to understand, and I believe one of the best ways to begin to understand is to look at a problem from many people's point of view, to see things as others see them, to jump in someone else's head for a moment or two. A blog is a great way to do that. I didn't want to have to edit myself and keep M.E. all sweetness, sunshine, hamsters, and Pirates.

The solution was obvious: 2 blogs.

Mental Excrement will continue to run regularly, but from now on all the heavy, philosophical stuff, like Big Question and Faith Part II will appear here.

This is the place to discuss issues of faith and atheism, spirituality and materialism, religion and agnosticism, existentialism, socialism, relativism, secularism, science, the world we live in and the worlds inside our heads. This is where we go back to first principles, examine our assumptions, and re-jig our mental universes. This is where we question: everything!


Moominmama said...

Just testing to see if the comments work.

Moominmama said...

Yep, they do.