Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Saga Continues

...over at Herebe Monters' place.

Note: the posts of mine he's referencing (that he didn't link) are Big Questions and Faith part II


Lawyerchic said...

love your blog

Romeo Morningwood said...

I just went on and on over there..
sometimes I want to get aggressive on the issue because NOTHING on Earth retards our species like the thought that some superior being has taken a liking to a specific group of people and everyone else can go pee up a rope!

I realise that despite having all of the information before us most people simply could not be bothered to formulate any opinion of god other than the one that they have been spoon fed.
I don't know why the central issues of our existence seem less important then how poor Heiress Piltdown survived jail but c'est la vie.

I admire many of the agnostic sites out here whose proprieters are courteous deconstructers of religion without being patronizing.

When they present pure unemotional facts and do a logical dissection of how the monotheistic jahweh/jesus arrived and why it was transferred into the future it seems like you would have to be certifiably crazy to believe in a single word of the bible.

History is written by the victors and that is precisely why modern man cannot imagine that freedom or democracy would have been possible without christianity. The USA as an Empire is probably peaking before our very eyes and with it's decline we will witness a resurgence of the millenialists dream of the second coming.

Fifty per cent of America believes that it IS the incarnation of manifest providential destiny. You cannot separate the church and state...even though it is the 21st Century.

This archaic notion of supernatural preference is the chink in the armor and the blindspot in the fortress wall that will be manipulated and exploited by equally irrational and determined opponents.
There is the rub. Checkmate!

Moominmama said...

Priscilla: thank you very much.

Homo: you're right about objective dissection of religion and unemotional facts. problem is it's so damn hard for many people to be dispassionate about something about which they are so, well, passionate! in many ways i think religion IS emotion, and therefore you can't take the emotion out of it. bloody catch 22.