from this guy.
A place to discuss issues of faith and atheism, spirituality and materialism, religion and agnosticism, science and morality, the world we live in, and the worlds inside our heads. This is where we go back to first principles, examine our assumptions, and re-jig our mental universes. This is where we question everything!
hmmmm I didnt get this , becuase i dont know what a super soaker is , so go on give me information I dont already have and lets see if i am willing to change my point of view...
go on
go on
it's a pump-action water gun that shoots a constant stream of water powered by compressed air (from the pumping action). tanks range from 0.5-3L depending on the model. that's the long answer.
the short answer is..
The Coolest Fucking Toy EVER!
Ah , see I gettit now , I have assimilated a new bit of information and have completely changed my mind as to the funnyness of the cartoon strip.
So re your last post....I just did it.... hurrah
I think that existentialism is all in the mind? Can you change my opinion I wonder??
NSFW youtube.
guy gets existential
guy can't sleep and keeps thinking of death
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